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Sunday, 29 January 2012

Hair Dare! Day 7

Todays hair was something I hadn't tried before. It is quite simple, but looks like you put in a lot of effort. The great thing about a hairstyle like this is that it can go from day to night and still look good. It doesn't matter if it is a bit messy. 

I really liked the hair dare. It can sometimes be annoying because some days it is just easier to do a plain pony tail, but it really helps you to get out of your comfort zone.

I would love to do another dare. I might try a lip dare, where I have to wear a different colour every day, a clothes dare. 

Is anyone else planning on doing the hair dare? 


  1. WOW! Your hair is GORGEOUS! Though from what I have seen today (just found your blog today) your always looking amazing in your pics!

  2. This looks amazing! Would you mind doing a tutorial on it? :) Pretty please.

  3. It looks lovely, I'm still planning on doing it but havn't yet! I am terrible! I'm going to be going away soon so I might do it then!

  4. I nominated you for a versatile blogger award! x

  5. That is super pretty! I second Ty, please show us how you did it!

    I'm planning on doing this too, I'm up with 2 hairstyles so far, I just need another 5. :P

  6. This is so pretty xx thanks for your comments on my blog xx maybe we could follow each other ? Xx

  7. Oooh I really like this type of messy hairdo's. I'm pretty boring when it comes to my hair - straighten it everyday and done!

  8. Hi Ty and MM - I'll organise a tutorial this week! XO

    Ohh Jimmi Lou, you should do it. It is great to do to try new things. :)

    Chelsea - Thanks sweet! :) That means a lot to me.

    Evanscencessy - ohhh I am terrible at straightening my hair. It just takes too long, and because my hair is naturally wavy it doesn't stay straight for long :(
