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Sunday, 15 January 2012

Rave: Revlon Super Lustrous Lip Balm

 How cute are these!!!! The packaging is oh so cute and it comes with its own little brush that sits in the lid.  I really love the brush and wished more pots came with a small built in brush. I really hate pot lip balms due to the fact of putting your fingers in just creeps me out. And fiddling in your bag to find a lip brush is annoying when you are out. So this is perfect for anyone like me who hates pots. 

I own the Pink Crystal and Peach Crystal. I took pictures of the Pink Crystal so you can see how pretty and glossy it is.

Bottom lip with the balm, top lip without

I had read reviews on them saying that even though the colours look quite bright in the little pots, they go on quite sheer. I didn't find this at all. I was quite surprised how intense the colour was, considering it is a lip balm.

It has an almost watermelon taste, but it doesn't last for long. But the balm lasted for ages. I applied it about 10.30am and didn't need to reapply until nearly 3pm. So it definitely has staying power. 

I am planning on reusing the pots once I have finished it, since they are too cute to just throw out. 

It contains SPF15, which is always nice. 

The one thing it lacked was a mirror! It would have been perfect then. 

Sadly these are limited edition, so if you see them buy one just so you can what it is like. Have a look here to see the clear (which looks blue in the pot) and the peach. 

Has anyone else tried one?


  1. Omigosh it looks so amazing, and such a pretty colour! What are the prices like? xx

  2. I got mine at chemist warehouse and they were about $14 or $15. They are harder to find now since they were a limited edition. I know Priceline had them before xmas too. XO

  3. I got one of these last year but hate it! I mean the little brush is kinda cute but it isn't a very nice lip balm or gloss. doesn't feel good in my opinion. I'm going to scoop it out and put a lipstick or something in it.

  4. That is really cute but I don't think it will suit me half as well as it suits you!

    You look lovely!

  5. ohhh no Swooping Buzzards :( Definitely reuse the tub. Its too cute not too.

    Thanks MM :) I am so glad you are back blogging. I missed your posts :) XO
