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Tuesday 28 February 2012

How To Make Your Skin Bounce Back From A Big Night Out

Not only can you feel horrible after a big night out but your skin can look shocking the next day! Whether you were drinking, smoking, ate greasy food at 3am, went to bed with your make up on or only got 2-3 hours sleep, there are a few tricks that you can do to nourish your skin back to its gorgeous self!

Firstly have a glass of water with lemon to flush out toxins from your body then ...

Remove any make up
If you were too tired (or drunk) to take off your make up last night, make sure you remove it first thing in the morning. Use either a make up remover wipe or a cleansing oil. Then use your cleanser to wash your face. 

Use a mask
A clay based purifying mask is fantastic for after a big night. A'kin do a great clay mask (their Express Purifying Facial Masque). It helps to cleans, tone and get ride of nasties on your skin. If you have dry skin, use a hydrating mask. SK-II's Facial Treatment Masks are amazing. It's a cloth based mask that really hydrates your skin.

Use a serum
Because your skin didn't get to repair itself overnight, a serum will help to put nutrients back into your skin. It doesn't matter what type it is (brightening, anti aging, etc). Even rosehip oil will be fantastic for making your skin glow again!

Put moisture back into your skin
Make sure you apply a moisturiser to hydrate your skin. You may find your skin is looking a little bit red. Clinique have a great moisturiser in their Redness Solutions range which will help to calm redness.

Go make up free
If you can, let your skin breathe by not wearing make up. If you need to wear it, try to limit the make up you wear and just go for the essentials.

To really make up for last night, make sure you eat well today and take a multi-vitamin. 

Just remember to not make a regular habit of keeping make up on overnight as it can block pores and you'll end up with blemishes! 

What are your remedies for the day after a big night?

1 comment:

  1. Sleep, diet coke, pringles and a facemask + a never again attitude xx
