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Friday, 17 February 2012

Priceline & Cosmo Beauty Workshop with Leigh Campbell

Last night Priceline and Cosmo held a beauty workshop in Pitt Street (Sydney). They had Cosmo's beauty editor, the gorgeous Leigh Campbell, on stage talking about trends, tips and her favourite products. It was a fantastic session as they talked through false eyelash application, colour blocking using make up, red lips, curling your hair using a straightener and foundation application

Some of the great tips I picked up included...

Most women don't need foundation, but we are so used to using it as a face cream that we apply all over. Instead most women only really need it around their T zone and blend out. Also instead of using foundation, a tinted moisturiser and concealer is more than enough for most women.

Practice, Practice, Practice!!!! The only way you become a pro is by trialing what techniques work and keep trying until you get there. 

It's just make up!! It washes off. Have fun with it! 

There is a shift concerning make up "rules." Before you only used one bold colour, but now its not unusual to have 2 bold colours at once. Try to limit it to 2 or it can look a bit OTT. If you want green eyes and coral lips, keep your blush a coral colour too. 

Make sure you apply false eye lashes to your actual lashes, not your skin!

Hair extensions can be great for added length and volume. But make sure if you bought synthetic extensions, rather than real hair, not to use hot tools on it or it will melt! 

Now onto the goodie bag. OMG!!! I have never seen a goodie bag like this before! It was jam packed and soooooo heavy. Some of the brands in the bag include Aveeno, Trilogy, VS Sassoon, Yes To Blueberries, Almay, White Glow, Sally Hansen, Biore, Schick, Garnier, Grown, Schwarzkopft, John Frida and even more!!!

They also had make overs available, but I had to miss out because I had to take my daughter with me so it was too hard to navigate a pram in the crowds.  But they had an area where you could get a one on one session and get tips and get advice from make up artists. 

Keep an eye out on Pricelines twitter or Facebook page for a session near you! I love how you can get one on one advice without being pressured into buying anything. Hopefully next time I can go alone, so I can get some one on one make up advice! :)

Did you go?


  1. It sounds like an amazing session, I'm glad you had a good time. Enjoy experimenting with the goodies and I look forward to seeing some reviews. xx

  2. oh wow! im so jealous of your goodie bag :D
    do review on the products once youve tried them!
    how did you find out about this event?

  3. I've never heard of this beauty workshop but it sounds like a lot of fun. So jealous of your big goodies bag - I hope you enjoy these and look forward to reading some reviews too.

  4. Linny I found out on their FB page. If you're not on FB, also check out their twitter page. I think they are doing more in March, but I'm not sure if it is with Leigh though. They are doing Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane and Perth. They are encouraging their stores to do events in March too. So ring the store and speak to the manager for any local events in March :)

    You'll be seeing A LOT of reviews soon ;)

  5. I'm so jealous of that goodie bag!! It looks awesome and there's stuff I would've loved to try, sigh. I really wanted to go but the Melbourne session is today in the CBD at 1, and I don't work near the CBD!! *cries*

    Wasn't the Sydney session at 6pm?

  6. MM yeah it was at 6pm. Leigh's segment was only for the first 30 mins and then the rest were the one on one make overs. I normally would have missed it since 6pm so a bit of a odd time for me as it's normally Adeline's dinner/bath/sleep time, but I reallly din't want to miss out. Hopefully you will be able to make one in March :) XO

  7. Ohh sounds like you had a ball. I have been hearing great reviews from it. Glad you had fun.

    Just signed up to become a follower. Really like your blog. If you have time, come swing by mine, and why not enter my competition- it is really easy and you could go into the draw to win a Spreets voucher, and maybe treat yourself to a beauty day for even cheaper :)

    Luc X

  8. Sounds like it was a lot of fun, and that giftbag is AMAZING!! Why do they never have any workshops or anything in tassie!! :(

  9. Wow, that looks like it would have been awesomne to go to. They never seem to do things like that where I live on the Central Coast. It's so not fair!

  10. Thanks for following Lucy :) I'm glad you like the blog.

    Ohh Stefaneigh Tassie and NT are always excluded :( Maybe you can organise a holiday so you can go to one of the workshops in the future ;)

    Michelle, maybe Priceline will do a event there in March. Stalk their FB and twitter for any news!

  11. oh rats! i just checked their fb page and turns out there was one held today in melbourne at 1pm!!

  12. Damn I was about to check Melbourne's until I saw kerker's comment :(
    I usually only apply foundation to my tzone and blend out.. I'm not looking for flawless skin, I mostly just want to even out my skin tone because I have a lot of redness from scarring etc.
    Great tips though! Wish I could have gone, the goodie bag looks amazing!!

  13. Ohhh thats a shame you missed it kerker and sue. Hopefully you can make one of the March events :) XO

  14. OMG, That is one of the best goodie bags I have ever seen, bit late for me too since I am in Melb :(
    You have some great products to review there :)

  15. I just went to the Perth event and our goody bags are VERY different to yours :(

    Mostly sachets of samples (sun cream, 1 cetaphil and some shampoo and conditioner) and a sachet of weight loss drink and a plastic drink bottle, a single razor, a Dove hair mask sample in a small pot and a small bottle of vitamins. We also got a full size dr leuwinn's eye cream and a couple of nail polishes, nothing great though.

    I feel quite disappointed to be honest! I think if I hadn't read your blog and been so excited and had such high expectations I'd probably have been pleased enough, but I just think it's pretty unfair that Sydney beauty lovers got such a vastly different bag than Perth!

  16. that's an amazing goodie bag!!! sounds like a wonderful day :D
