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Friday 8 June 2012

Friday's Favourites

Wow... this week has just flown by. I can't believe it's already time for Friday's Favourites. 

What I'm wearing...

I haven't been obsessed with anything this week as I've been trying to use up the last of some older products that had been sitting in my bathroom for a while. So I've been able to get through 2 cleansers, 2 shampoos and a conditioner in the last week or two. I'm hoping on my spending ban I can get through some more things that have been sitting around for months being unused. 

Things I'm lusting for...

I'm trying to stay away from lusting after products since I'm on my spending ban. 

But I did see a gorgeous sheet set yesterday that was so soft. But I couldn't believe how expensive it was!! $250 on sheets is just too much. I would have to spend the rest of my life in bed to justify them! 

Blogs or blog posts I've loved so much I've read more than once...

She's Sonic had a great post about coats. With winter here in Australia, it's time to buy a new coat. My favourite type of coat has to be a cape. I just LOVE them! 

The Beautiful Kimmi from The Plastic Diaries had the unfortunate situation of having her site being "quoted" on Today Tonight. Actually it wasn't quoted at all. They just used her sites image and created quotes. Between being trolled, not being taken seriously and now this, it shows that blogging can be hard. I've seen a lot in the blogging world lately about having a thick skin from the haters, but it seems now we need to worry about others misrepresenting our image too! Hopefully TT apologises, and quickly! 

I love this review on the E.L.F Mineral Face Cleanser by Musings Of A Muse. It's so interesting that something so big in Asia isn't promoted in other parts of the world. 

An oldie but a goodie from Miss Chew about the significance of perfume. I don't have a signature scent, but when I was pregnant I wore Benefit 's Maybe Baby. And whenever I smell Angel by Thierry Mugler I think of my best friend. It's the scent she wore on her wedding day and nearly every day since then. 

On my mind...

I read a REALLLLLLY great post from Lipglossiping about Urban Decay now entering the Chinese market and losing their cruelty free listing. I feel the same way as she does when it comes to voicing my opinion. Since I'm not a cruelty free blogger (one that only blogs about cruelty free products), I feel like my opinion is a bit contradictory. I feel like a fraud saying shame on them, while using products that are from brands that do test. 

I wish that all brands were cruelty free but sadly it's not the case. And UD taking the step backwards is so disapointing. They have always promoted their cruelty free beliefs and now are going back on them for a bigger piece of the (financial) pie. 

What have been your favourites his week? And how do you feel about UD no longer being cruelty free?


  1. Another great Friday post. I am finding the spending ban the hardest when I hear about sales. So I try and tune out.

    I haven't bought any UD products but I think it is a shame that they have sold out:( x

  2. Eugh I saw TPD post yesterday too - crazy!!!! So unfortunate.
    Ah the whole UD debate.. yeah it is sad =( I'm also a bit of a hypocrite because I'm not a cruelty free blogger either, but... it's still disappointing.
