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Tuesday 2 October 2012

IMATS Haul Part 3: Rae Morris Brushes

The brushes in their packaging

I'm a huge brush junkie, and these have been on my wishlist forever! I really did my homework on them. The brushes start individually from $8.45 (for an eyebrow brush) up to $85 (for the Radiance Brush). A 10 piece set is $199 or the full 26 piece set is $699 (ouch!).

As much as I'd love to get the 26 piece set, I also do wish to eat this month!! So I researched and read as many blogs and watched a lot of you tube videos. I found either 2 different reviews. Glowing reviews by bloggers that received a free brush from the launch or not so great reviews by people that bought them with their hard earned money. It did seem that people had more issues with the sets, rather than buying individual brushes.

I have to say I did seek out negative reviews. I'm not sure if you're like me, but I love to know any issues that other bloggers have had. With certain make up products, a negative review can be because the item wasn't suited to the persons skin type or colouring. But brushes are different.

After reading the mixed reviews, I was really torn. There were inconsitancies in the sets. Some people got a 27 piece set, while others got a 26 piece. There are a few "different" brushes from one set to another (eg, the lip brush was square in some sets, but round in others and some brush hairs were white while the other set has black hair).

If you're interested in buying the brushes these are the 3 bloggers that I found most helpful. They all bought the set with their own money. So they had nothing (but their money) to lose by giving a negative review on the brushes.

Lizzie from Makeup And Smell The Coffee had a great post about the issues she encountered when she bought and wasshed her brushes. I love that even though it's not a positive or glowing post, she did write factually and explained why she was disappointed. I found the post helpful and it really made me think twice about the brushes.

Sonia from Sweet Make Up Temptations has the MOST AMAZING brush reviews (and also the most incredible brush collection. I would kill for her collection!) Her posts are picture heavy, which is fantastic, and she gives great advice on the best uses for each brush, as well as her favourites. She has done a few posts on them, from her first impressions, to how she felt after using them. She did have quite a few issues with the quality with some of the brushes, so she actually has 2 sets of the full set.

On YouTube, Goo Roo Beauty (aka Jodik76) has a wonderful video on her thoughts about the 27 piece set.  I love how detailed it is, and she goes through each brush on what she thought about it and how she used it.

The booklet that explains what it's used for
(with handy illustrations) and tips

I wrote out a list of the brushes I wanted. But silly me, I forgot to take it to IMATS. So I had to try and use my memory and also just try them out in person.

Here's what I picked up...

2. Mini Kabuki
There is either this or the deuxe kabuki. The deluxe is slightly larger. I wanted to use this more for blush and highlighting so I picked the mini kabuki. It's a tapered, white haired brush. This retails for $19.60.

3. Ultimate Cheek-Bone
I have to admit I'm slightly dissapointed with this brush. There is a little bit of glue stuck in the hairs at the base, and it has 2 little chips in it too. It does feel incredibly soft and I have no brush like this, so I'm excited to use it (minus the flaws). This retails for $60.00 (which is why I was disappointed with the quality.

8. Medium Precision Shader
I really like this brush. It's simple and perfect for creating different eye looks. This retails for $29.00.

12. Chiseled Smudger
I don't really own many smudging brushes, just a cheap one. This one retails for $21.95.

21. Deluxe Buffer
I originally heard great things about this when I was researching the brushes, but didn't have it on my list due to the price ($45). I already have a buffing brush (Real Techniques) and was happy with it. But once I felt this and saw how beautiful it was in person, I HAD to have it! It feels so soft. Sonia raved about how even after wearing a motorcycle helmet, her skin was still flawless from using this brush, so I couldn't skip it. I love my Real Techniques Buffing Brush, so I'm interested to see how different this performs.

The brushes are magnetic!!! On my Kikki K board

So those are my Rae Morris brushes. I can't wait to use them and report back to you on their effectiveness and how they differ from my other brushes I have. Hopefully I love them, and will purchase more. I'm interested in the

4. Square Kabuki
5. Flawless Shader
7. Deluxe Precision Shader
9. Detail Precision Shader
10. Tapered Oval Shadow
11. Medium Oval Shadow
23. Micro-Fibre Foundation
27. Radiance Brush

Are expensive brushes more important to you than expensive make up? Or would you prefer to splash out on the likes of Chanel or Dior and use cheap brushes?


  1. Nice haul! i have not spent much on brushes so far but i think that is something i would like to change. I think brushes are just as important. I just have been lazy to do my research so thanks for this informative post x

    1. Glad it's been helpful :) I'm planning on doing a few posts on brushes later this month, so keep a look out :)

  2. Is it wrong that what attracts me the most on those brushes is that they are magnetic? We have all been struggling in the morning, still half asleep, trying to find THE brush that we need. Having them all on a magnetic board would help a lot (well, that and the novelty factor of having them actually stuck on the magnetic board)

    1. Hahahahaha YES!!!!!!! The magnetic part is pretty awesome. I can't wait until I have more of them and will hang my board up :)

  3. I love good quality brushes as they are soft and wash easily and don't tend to fall apart. How ever I found real technique brushes fantastic and u can get them for nearly a third of the price buying off iherb.

  4. I prefer using cheaper brushes, there are some affordable but good quality brushes like Ecotools :) And there is also a tool called the fingers which I use for a majority of my makeup :)

    1. How could I forget the greatest tools of all...hands! I love EcoTools. Their eyeshadow and bronzer brushes are my favourite.

  5. Hi :)
    I do like the 21, but the one I really love is the 23 OLD version (or whatever version it is..).
    There are two completely different brushes both numbered "23", depending on "I don't know what reason" you will get either one or the other.
    I LOVE the 23 on the bottom of this picture (the white one):
    I don't know why it's a different version, the old 23 (the black shown at the top of the pic) is one of the worst brushes I ever had in terms of quality. I just cannot even use it otherwise I will end up looking like a werewolf, after many washes it still sheds like crazy.
    But the other one is absolutely amazing... anyway...
    I hope you will enjoy your brushes :)

    1. Thanks for commenting :) I can't believe the quality of the black 23. Luckily the 2nd version is incredible. I can't wait to use them....first I just need to wash them (yawn!!)

  6. these brushes look great! i was eyeing them off but never went back...i wish i did now! great post :)

    1. Ohhh I hate that!! I do that too...thing I'll just look around then come back but then forget. Maybe next year? Otherwise there's always online :)

  7. Holy cow you bought so many Rae Morris brushes! They are so expensive too! I would rather spend on make-up I'm telling ya! :P But of course, that's just me :)

    1. Hahahaha, I'm a bit scared of how much I spent on brushes, but they are amazing and worth it! :) I already have bucketloads of make up, so I really didn't need another pink lipstick to add to the 5000 I already have ;)

  8. OK, I haven't got the internet at home yet, so this will be in detail in a full post, but while I was at IMATS I spoke to Rae about my issues, I didn't cause drama, I was super polite, waited until nobody was around and told her what happened, as I do, (factually, not emotionally) with my brushes, showed her the picture on the dye, she emailed it to herself, gave me her direct contact details, told me I should have made more of a fuss, gave me a new brush and a few others and a signed book, she was LOVELY and horified by the brushes, stated that the issues are in the sets and also buying online, which I had figured out already, SO my advice is if you want these brushes, hold off until you can get to a trade show or something similar!
    I'm feeling so much more positive about them and ready to fall in love.
    Post coming soon!- sorry for taking over your comments!

    1. Ohhh thats fantastic!!! How amazing of her to want to make you happy and restore your faith in the quality of the brushes. :) I'm so glad she took your complaint seriously and rectified the situation.

      I can't wait till you do a post! I've been waiting to hear your thoughts.

      And you can always take over my comments :)
