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Sunday 21 October 2012

Mirenesse Beauty Box: October 2012

Last month I signed up as a VIP member of Mirenesse. I had been thinking about it for a while and decided to bite the bullet. 

It costs $25 a month to be a VIP member. This is the part that really made me "umm" and "ahhh" over joining up. Over a year it's quite expensive, but I had a good look over their website and realised I had a LONG wishlist of their products and knew that the $25 monthly fee would work out in the long term (I call it research for my blog!).

Some of the perks include...

You get a VIP discount (20%) on all products, even from their flash sales and clearance items. This is a huge draw card for signing up, since you can save a lot, especially on their specials. You can get some amazing specials in their flash sale. I've purchased a lipstick and nail polish pack for $10 (It was $15 for non members) and a gel liner and make up remover pack for $24.96, both items were full size. 

A $25 voucher sent to you after you've paid the monthly membership fee. The  downside is that you need to spend $65 or more to use the voucher. You have 2 months to use the voucher before it expires.

Every second month you get sent a beauty box. There is $1000 worth of products in the beauty boxes you receive over the year. 

Free shipping. This is probably one of the biggest incentive, as I HATE paying for shipping. Especially if you are only buying 1 product (from any website), the shipping can end up being a huge percentage of your final amount. As a non VIP you get free shipping if you spend over $99. If you spend over $250 (as a non VIP member) then there's a shipping fee due to the size and weight of the package. This is for both Australian and International orders.

Also whenever you make a purchase of $40 or more you pick 1 free gift, $60 or more and you can pick 2 free gifts, or $90 or more and you pick 3 free gifts. They change the free gifts every couple of weeks. They normally have 2 full size gifts, and 2 samples to choose from. In the last 2 months I've seen the free gifts range from full size eye shadows, lip glosses, blush and eyeliner. The skincare is normally sample or deluxe sample size. 

You also accrue beauty points with every purchase. For every dollar you spend you get 10 beauty points. Once you've reached 1000 beauty points, you get a $10 voucher to spend. 

Overall I thought it was a great program to be apart of. 

This week I received my first beauty box. I had absolutely no expectations because I couldn't see any posts from bloggers on what has been in previous boxes. I wasn't sure if it would be all samples like classic beauty boxes I'm subscribed to (like Bellabox or Lust Have It). 

When you first sign up to the VIP program, you fill out a little questionnaire that helps them to know your preferences. 

I was thrilled to see 3 full price items. 

The box was about "Burlesque Beauty" and what better colour than red screams burlesque.....nothing!!! 

In the box there was ...

Crystal Colour Drops Hydrating Mineral Powders
This was on my wishlist. I had seen this a few weeks ago wanted it. It contains a contour, highlighter and 2 blushes to contour and highlight the face. This is on sale at the moment for $38.37.

3D Forever Gloss in "Geisha"
I've used the 3D Forever Glosses before and they are fantastic. It's a beautiful glossy red. The colours are slightly sheer, so it's the perfect way of getting into a bold red lip, without being too much of an impact. A a VIP member this costs $31.96.

Bullet Proof Nail Laquer in "Burlesque Strip"
This was one of my wishlist products. I had seen their nail polishes on blogs and have heard they have great staying power. Most bloggers said they had at least 5 chip free days. The nail polish has a built in nail hardener for long lasting results. I'm quite rough on my hands (washing, cleaning and retail work really takes a toll on them) so I can't wait to see how well they stack up. As a VIP member this costs $23.96.

So the boxes value comes in at $94.29. So even if you don't use up your 2 $25 vouchers over the 2 months, the beauty box is still more than the monthly membership fee ($50 for the 2 months), for this month. I'm not sure if the boxes are always like this.

A great thing about Mirenesse is that

"All skincare products are alcohol, SLS, petrolatum free and use only hypoallergenic ingredients. All eye products are fragrance free, our skincare uses only organic certified essential aromatic oils and no parabens, alcohol or mineral oil, SLS is used."*

*Taken from their website

They also don't test on animals or use animal ingredients in their products.

Another great thing that I like about them is that they have an Australian post sticker on their boxes to say not to leave them out. This is great if you live in apartments or if your house/letterbox isn't secure. I'm not sure if they have an equivalent for overseas orders.

Let me know if you liked this post and want to see the December box. Hopefully this post helps anyone that was looking at signing up. I tried to research it, but there wasn't really too many in depth posts on the VIP club. 

Are you a fan of Mirenesse? Do you think they do amazing lip glosses too? Are you as against paying for shipping as I am? (I recently bought something online and a third of the cost was for shipping!! Uggghhh it sucks!). 

Check out their website here.

PS Expect to see a lot of Mirenesse reviews soon ;)


  1. Terrific review sprinkles - I've been a VIP member for almost 2 years now. I wasn't mad keen on my first VIP pack, but Mirenesse swapped the products without any hassle. Since then I've been thrilled with almost all of what I've received. Can't BEAR paying postage, and they do have great deals for members - it's really the only way to buy Mirenesse products, otherwise they are hopelessly overpriced. 3D Forever Gloss is my favourite :-)

    1. WOW that's a long time to be with them. They must be great then :) That was so great that they swapped it over for you. I'm glad I'm not the only one that hates paying for postage :)

  2. I have always wondered how it all worked, so thanks for the elaborate run down, it does sound like a good program. Look forward to seeing some product reviews soon!

  3. This sounds like good value to me! I haven't done any of the other boxes - Bellabox etc because they haven't appealed based on what I've seen. The Mirenesse products seem to be good quality and a few of my work colleagues rave about them. I'll definitely keep this program in mind. Great review!

    1. They do have some great products. I love their eye shadows and lip products. They are a bit pricey, but are worth it because of the quality.

  4. Wow what an amazing box! Looks much more worth it than some of the other beauty boxes!

    1. I was so impressed with it. They seemed to know exactly what I wanted.

  5. This sounds like an awesome deal if you really love the brand :D

    1. It really is. I love that they always have sales and freebies too!

  6. Wow great items you got, the colour of the nail polish is gorgeous!

    1. It's so gorgeous. It's not the usual colour that I would wear, but I can't wait to try it out.

  7. This is a pretty good deal!

    I have that face contour kit and love it, unfortunately the second time I used it, I dropped the compact and the top right shade shattered. :(

    I have tried all these products except for the polish, and they are great quality!

    1. Ohhh no :( I hate when you break something new.

      I'm currently using one of the polishes now to see if it really is bullet proof ;)

  8. I've been looking at joining this program for a while now and I think you have just swayed my decision to do it. I was wondering if it was worthwhile and it really looks like it is from what you've said. I love that contour palette!!

    1. If you join up I hope you enjoy it like I do :) Theres so many great perks of being a member.

  9. This seems like such a fab idea! Love the look of the palette and I look forward to seeing what you receive next x

    1. I just put in an order, so you'll see something very soon ;)

  10. I've been a member now for nearly a year and have been happy with all the boxes I have received. In the latest box I received the nude coloured lip gloss which was far too beigey for my skin tone and they happily swapped it out for a colour that I liked. The other great thing they do is they don't charge you to return product, they give you a reply paid address. Win, win!

    1. Tina, thats fantastic to hear :) I love when people say they are long time members. It makes me know that joining up was a great idea.

  11. Your post has swayed my decision to buy into the VIP membership - I am in the US and was weiry about being able to fully utilize the VIP status but everything you just wrote about is what I want along with customer service comments replies. I look forward to trying more of their products out. Thank you for this post as I haven't been able to find any other reviews online.

    1. Thanks for your beautiful comment! :D

      I'm glad the post was helpful. And I really hope you enjoy the VIP club. There are some amazing perks to it.

  12. Thank you SO MUCH for posing this. I know it was a long time ago, but I just found out about this program, and really want to try the mascara because I have horribly stubby lashes, and the eyelash curler,

    I'm a little confused though, do I automatically receive my first box? Do I have to buy it on the website? It isn't very clear.

    A little bummed about the $25 gift card, they didn't mention you needed to spend $65 to use it. Sneaky!

    Anyway, going to give it a try.

  13. Thank you SO MUCH for posing this. I know it was a long time ago, but I just found out about this program, and really want to try the mascara because I have horribly stubby lashes, and the eyelash curler,

    I'm a little confused though, do I automatically receive my first box? Do I have to buy it on the website? It isn't very clear.

    A little bummed about the $25 gift card, they didn't mention you needed to spend $65 to use it. Sneaky!

    Anyway, going to give it a try.
