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Sunday 7 October 2012

Project Pan: The Beauty Addict Edition

No doubt you've read about bloggers doing a Project Pan. It's when you go on a spending ban until you've finished X amount of products. Some only do as little as 10-20, while others do 100 (ekkk!). 

I tried a spending ban a few months ago and it failed miserably. Mostly because when you tell me I can't have something, I become consumed with it and HAVE TO HAVE IT!! 

So I'm doing my own project pan.... but this one is for the beauty addicts. 

I'll follow some of the rules, but break others. Here's my version for those of us too beauty crazed to go on a full spending ban...

*I will do my best to finish any products opened already. I can't open a new product until I've finished an existing one. 

*If it's so bad it's not usable, I will get rid of it. No keeping it hoping that it magically becomes great for my skin.

*If I can't remember when I last used it, it's time to bin it.

*If I can't remember when I bought it, it's time to bin it.

*I can buy a new product, but can NOT open it, until a similar product has been finished (eg blush).

So those are my rules. It's not a spending ban since I can buy anything and everything, the only catch is I have to throw out it's equivalent before opening my new and shiny product. 

I think this is much easier to follow than the classic PP (since I'm still able to make purchases), but I'll also be getting rid of the thousands of products I have floating around in my bathroom. 

Have you, or are you doing a Project Pan?

Here are some of my favourite bloggers doing their own project pan or have done it...

In Glossy Beauty

Shopping Intervention

Pop Couture

Make Up 4 My Age


  1. I was very successful with my spending ban - it lasted a whole month!...and then I went out and spent $200 in one day - oops :S I like your take on this however and am going to give it a go!

    1. Hahahaha, thats the problem with a spending ban! Once you're allowed to start spending again, you go mental.

  2. LOVE your rules! I think you will be doing very well. I am about to go away for almost three weeks so there will be exceptions when it comes to Duty Free shopping, I simply cannot resist.

    Too often we keep products that we simply don't need and I am getting better at just letting go. It feels great!

    Good luck and thank you for the link lovely X

    1. Ohhh I can't wait to see what you buy from Duty Free! Have a safe trip and I can't wait to hear about it. XO

  3. This is such a good idea! I'm almost halfway through my P100P, it is tough!

    1. I would die on a 100 PP!! You're either very strong, or very silly ;)

  4. Im not doing p100p at the moment though i really really should! Im not sure how i would do as well lol. All the best and good luck! xx

    1. Thanks for the support. :) Maybe do a watered down version. Even just choose a few products to use up in the next month will be helpful to get rid of some of the clutter. If you do it every month, it will make a huge difference without making you go insane by being on a spending ban ;)

  5. This is a great idea! I tend to hold on to bad products as well!

    1. I've been bad with it in the past, but I'm getting better.

  6. I think you're off to a great start!

    I think the one good thing about living in a tiny 1 bedroom flat is the lack of storage space prevents me from hoarding too much stuff. I also notice that it curtails my shopping activities as I get very stressed out when I see things lying around!

    Big hats off to the ladies on 100 project pans as I don't think I could do something similar!


    1. I couldn't do a 100 PP. It would be torture. But I love the idea of getting rid of off/old products. It makes such a difference to bin all the junk I have.

  7. Good luck with this! I don't think I have enough products to warrant this kind of a challenge yet :P

    1. Count yourself lucky!! It means you haven't wasted hundreds or thousands of dollars ;) XO

  8. I did a P5P last year. Using only five products may seem pointless but I wanted to set myself an achievable goal. Given that my saving has been failing of late, I think I wanted to set myself another PP challenge. Once again it won't be a massive number like 50 or 100, but it will be enough to stop me spending!

    1. Hey, even 5 products makes the difference. Maybe up it by 5 products every few weeks, and you'll be at 50 in no time :)

  9. I think this is harder then mine, I have NEVER finished a blush :S
    I fully agree with the 'if it doesn't work for me chuck it' thing, skincare doesn't suddenly 'work' for you...
    Good luck with it, that's a very sensible set of rules!

    1. I'm such a silly with the "if it doesn't work" issue. Especially if it's a pricey skincare item. I wish more brands did trial sized products so you don't waste money on a full price product that doesn't work for you.

  10. What a great idea, look forward to following your progress!
    I've been really good with my spending this year, as really I've got a lot of stuff...but it is really hard to keep up, so many tempting products being launched all the time!

    1. Ohhhh yes, and with Xmas close by there will be some amazing gifts out soon!

  11. Very much considering doing one, as my bathroom is a disaster: beauty products everywhere, no room whatsoever left for my poor housemate's products!

    1. Hahahaha my husband gets annoyed with all of my products everywhere, so he can sympathise with your housemate. He gets so frustrated that when we will renovate our bathroom, he has drawn up completely separate sinks on opposite side of the room so my products can't get near his sink hahahaha.

  12. I like your take on this! Good luck with it! :D

    At the moment I'm not doing any particular "pan" or approach but have simply said to myself "if it is not to replace something I need that has run out, do not purchase". Surprisingly this has been pretty easy BUT I'm finding my passion for clothes shopping needs some intervention. I don't buy designer threads but shop often. Online shopping is a killer for me!

    1. Thats a great way to be! You don't feel like your missing out on something since you're not on a spending ban. Hahahaha every little top/skirt/dress purchase adds up. Maybe you should do the same thing, but with clothes :)

  13. I do that with clothing, buy a new item, throw out something old! Except I do it every 3 months and just donate a massive bag of stuff to either friends or charity. It's nice because you can still try new things without it taking up heaps of room!

    1. That's such a great idea. I need to do a big clothes organisation.

  14. It's great when you have your own set of rules because it takes into account your own circumstances. I survived P10P earlier this year and now I'm going with my beauty bank idea - I've fallen off the wagon once *eek!* because of a BOGO lipstick deal at Chemist Warehouse - but mostly it's been working for me. Go girl! xo

  15. I like your rules. As when i saw the title of your post I was thinking I couldn't imagine you doing the full PP.
