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Tuesday 20 November 2012

Mirenesse Flash Sale Haul (Mascara + 3 surprise gifts)

I've previously blogged about signing up to the Mirenesse VIP program. If you're unsure about what I'm talking about click here to find out what all the fuss is about.

Now, as I mentioned in the post, Mirenesse do daily flash sales. They do a great job of mixing it up. Sometimes it's make up, other times it's skincare. And for the week for Halloween they had some great packs. 

One of them had a Vibralash Vibrating Brush 24hr mascara. For only $19.95 you got the mascara, which is normally $39.95 for VIP members and $49.95 for non members. 

Even though a vibrating mascara wand is quite straight forward, there are instructions for even the most hopeless mascara applier.

Apart of the deal was you also got 3 free full sized gifts.

I had never bought one of their "surprise" free gift sets before so I had no idea what would be in it.

Here's what I got...

Velvet Lip Lift Moisture Shine in 41

I really love their lip products, and have quite the collection. They last a long time and there are SO many colours. The colour I received is a gorgeous pinky peach that is perfect for summer. It has a beautiful shimmer to it.

They retail for $31.96 for VIPS or $39.95 for non members. 

Cat Eyes Liner Pencil + Smudger in Siamese Blue

I go through phases with eyeliner. I either love it, or will go weeks without touching it. At the moment I've been ignoring it because I've been working more and just don't have time. I have actually been skipping blush and highlighter too!! 

I can't wait to try this as it's not normally a colour I'd use. I always go for brown eyeliners. 

This retails for $23.96 for VIP members, or $29.95 for non members. 

Lash Comb And Liner Brush Duet

I was really excited to get this. I love brushes, but don't really have a proper lash brush. It also comes with a liner brush on the opposite end. I love that it has the caps on the end, so it's perfect for travelling or in my make up bag. 

This retails for $23.60 for VIP customers, or $29.50 for non members.

So overall I got over $100 worth of products for $19.95. 

One of the perks of being a member, other than free shipping and special VIP prices, has to be the Beauty Points. For every purchase you make you get "beauty points" that you can convert into a voucher. The best thing is that you can either convert the points as soon as you get them, or hold onto them so you can get a bigger discount. I converted my points into a $15.64 voucher and only had to pay $4.31 for this pack!!!! 

What's the best rewards program that you've signed up for? I have to say this and Priceline's Sister Club are my favourites because I really get to see the rewards of being a member.


  1. I ordered this too after your recommendation of the VIP club. I was very surprised by the surprise gifts with the mascara. I also ordered the lip gloss that came with 4 surprise gifts, which turned out to be a Short Stack emergency make-up pack. Definitely not as exciting. I put a picture and brief description of it on my blog.

    1. Aww what a lovely comment! I love when readers like the sound of something I've blogged about and try the brand/product for themselves. I also got the Short Stack pack. I love the colour of the lipgloss from it!

  2. I actually have tried that mascara before and it's really good! I loved having it in my bag to touch up when going out after work!

    Hanging out to see that Cat's eye liner on you. :)


    1. I'm still yet to open it! I am about to finish of their secret weapon mascara, so will try it once I've finished it up :) I hope I love it as much as you.

  3. Mirenesse is a brand I am started to get more interested in :D I need to check out this VIP deal! I want to try out their lip booms!

    1. If you follow them on FB they have their deals come up on there. They have some amazing packs.

  4. I've become quite the fan of the lip glosses due to the recent freebies! A girl at work wore the Cat's eyeliner today on her waterline and it lasted the whole day :)

    1. Hehehehe, the freebies help to sucker you into a brand. Thats how I've got to know a few brands.

  5. it looks like you got some real bargains there m'love!:)

  6. Gorgeous blog, I'm your newest follower :) Check out mine
