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Thursday 24 January 2013

A Celebration Of Great Customer Service + Lust Have It December 2012

Well, last month was an interesting month for my Beauty box. When I moved, I updated my details on my LHI account, but it was sent to my old house (in another state!!). I got in contact with LHI and within a day they had replied. I forgot to update "existing subscriptions" so the December box still had my old address.

Jo, from LHI's customer service, was amazing. Not only did she help me correctly update my details, she also organised a new box for me and included tracking (which they normally don't do) to make sure it got to me.

I know LHI have had a few issues over the last few months, but I honestly feel like they are getting back on track and are going to be amazing in 2013. Sadly, I also emailed BellaBox on the same day, but it took them a week to reply. I sent a facebook message a week after the email and got a quicker response. Yes, it was December, but an online service should really reply within 3 business days, if not sooner. 

Now, normally I would just show you what's in the box, but our story doesn't finish here. I got my box within the week. But I was sent the wrong box! I'm a VIP customer, and when I opened it I was slightly confused. All the other VIPs had other products. 

In the box was...

A Tigi Hairspray, Naked Tan Self Tanner, Pelactiv Cleansing Scrub, Benefit "They're Real" Mascara, Exfoliating Glove and 2 Glasshouse hand cream sachets. 

Now this is a great box, but it was different than what I was expecting. 

So I contacted customer service to ask if it was the correct box, and had the lovely Jo reply that the wrong box had been sent. It was after Xmas at this stage and the offices were closed. So she asked me to send a picture of what I was sent, and she would organise a VIP box to be sent once the warehouse was up and running in the new year. 

After the new year, Jo contacted me again letting me know that the box had been sent out and included tracking to make sure it got to me safely.

When I opened it, I was so happy. The main products that I wanted were the Baja Face Mist, the Pelactiv Scrub and the Everyday Minerals Blush. I got a little surprise when I saw that the Pelactiv product was different. In my VIP box, it had a face moisturiser. 

So overall I'm thrilled with Decembers box. It had the perfect mix of hair, make up, skincare and body. 

Not only did I like the box, the customer service was absolutely fantastic! I didn't mind having to wait longer for my box(es), since I knew they did everything to get a box out to me. 

So a huge thank you to LHI for customer service that was above and beyond what I expected. Replying to emails within a day, keeping me in contact about what was happening, and even emailing me while they were on holidays. It really restored my faith in LHI and their customer service. 

And a special shout out to Jo for doing a fantastic job!! Hopefully Nicci the owner of LHI sees this and gives her a reward! 

In retail it's so easy to complain about bad service, but not too many people thank you for doing a great job. So this post is a way to say thanks to the workers that kick ass at their job. 

Since I've worked in retail for many years, I really appreciate good service. And one of the ways I appreciate that good service is by going back again and again and spending money there rather than at a store that gives bad service. 

What or where has been you're best customer service moment? 

Let me start by saying I ALWAYS got great service at the Hurstville Priceline and Priceline Pharmacy. The guys and girls were always so helpful and friendly. Also in NSW, L'Occitane at both Broadway and the city always have such beautiful staff that really spend time with you to find the best products for YOU. They ask lots of questions and explain their products so well. The girls at Mimco in the city in Sydney are always so sweet and smiley. While in Adelaide on holidays last year, I had one of the best customer service experiences at Kikki K. Even though the sales assistant knew I was on holidays and couldn't take back what I wanted (a mood board) she gave me a pen and paper to write down anything that I liked, so when I went back home and wanted to buy the products, I had written down what to buy. It's fantastic when even though they know they won't get a sale, they still help you and give you the time of day. 

Online Adairs, Adore Beauty and Mirenesse always give me great service and quick shipping

Now your turn! Let me know where you get the best service, time and time again. 


  1. Hahah I work at one of the stores you listed above and customer service is such a priority for us so it makes me happy that you mentioned great service.
    I also love good customer service, and that was really good of LHI to sort it all out so quickly and efficiently for you!

    I agree Hurstville Priceline Pharmacy is great - I only buy there to get my meds and the pharmacist always remembers me and keeps track of all my scripts for me.


    1. Hahahaha, it's fantastic that you work for one of the brands. You should tell them I love them! :) Amazing customer service really needs to be celebrated.

      I'm so sad that I've moved to a place where there is no close Priceline. I loved visiting the Hurstville store. The people that work there are so friendly and helpful. They always were so nice to my daughter.

  2. So great to hear that you got excellent customer service. Both boxes look great too X

  3. Wow, that is amazing customer service from LHI! And you're lucky enough to receive two different LHI boxes because of a mix up. Must've felt like Christmas for you :P

  4. That's awesome customer service, it's always nice to hear the good stories :) Awesome blog too, I'm a new follower.

  5. So happy to hear about the fantastic service you received at LHI!

  6. I've also heard from some other Bellabox subbies that Jo has helped them and they had great customer service. :) You know who to ask for if there are any issues with your LHI in the future :)
