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Saturday 12 January 2013

New Years Beauty Resolutions

So I've been thinking really hard about my new years resolutions. I want goals that are simple and easy to achieve, because there's no point in making goals you know that you just can't achieve. Also I needed ideas on how to make this happen. Practical and easy ways which would make me achieve my goals.

Last year I focused on two things. Making sure I washed my face EVERY night (yep, even on those late nights or "too tired" nights). By the end of the year I had done a complete turn around. In the last few months I can count on 1 hand how many times I didn't wash my make up off. My second goal was to wear sunscreen. I was doing so amazing with that, but once we moved and my cosmetics were all packed up, I started to skip using it. I still haven't found my favourite sunscreen, Sun Sense" Daily Face", in the countless boxes of cosmetics. But I am using another one some days. 

So here are my belated new years resolutions...

1. Sunscreen

To continue to get back on track using it every day. Half the battle is using a sunscreen that works for your skin. I now know what does, I just need to find it! If I don't find it tomorrow then I'll just go buy a new bottle (and probably find my opened one the next day!).

2. Learning more about the ingredients in my cosmetics

A lot of cosmetics have ingredients that are long, complex and impossible to pronounce. This year I really want to have a closer look into what I'm putting on my skin and how it works. I'm also wanting to move into more natural skincare and make up.

3. Shaking up my routine

I'm set in my ways when it comes to make up. Either I use the same products or the same colours. This year I'm going to start to do "Shake It Up Sunday." Each Sunday I'll either try a new look (it could be a completely new look, or just a different colour) and try out new formulas. 

4. Be beautiful inside and out

Using make up and skincare to make your skin look radiant always feels good. But this year I want to put more emphasis into the foods I eat. I'll research foods that are high in antioxidants and also stay away from foods that can cause reactions in my skin. 

What are your 2013 beauty resolutions? Did you break last year resolutions?


  1. i should really include sunscreen in my daily routine.. i know i'll regret it later on -_- im gunna make that one of my beauty resolutions..
    i usually dont make resolutions because i only keep them for a month haha although i do make smaller "resolutions" throughout the year :)

    1. Ohhhh getting into sunscreen young is so important. I'm kicking myself now for not being better about it when I was a teen.

  2. Beauty by Lauren Conrad has a really great section on what vitamins you need in you, what they do and what foods contain them. she also writes a bit about ingredients in makeup so I'd recommend her book to help you :)

    1. Thanks for that!! I still need to buy this book. It's been on my wishlist for a while, but with moving I didn't really want to order anything. I'll have to order it asap now :)

  3. The ingredients in the products is an interesting point. I think I'm going to do the same.

    1. It's amazing how we don't pay much attention to what we put on (and in) our bodies.

  4. Learning more about ingredients is definitely a good resolution. I've started to really worry about the amount of chemicals I am putting on my face and having been using all natural products from Neals Yard for a while now.

    I really need to start also thinking about the foods I eat too!

    1. I really want to use more natural products, but some don't work that great or are really expensive. So this year is all about finding natural alternatives that work as well as the chemical products.

  5. Yay for natural beauty! Hehe i stick to natural Skincare, personal care and am converting my haircare
    (Putting the chemicals back into the enviro is no good either). I love trying natural makeup too, and try to avoid a lot of bad ingredients at least. Good luck hun :) once you make time for these you'll feel weird not doing it! That's how I feel now :)

    1. It's such a good point about the environment! I'm looking at also moving onto more environmentally friendly cleaning products too.

  6. I love the idea of Shake it Up Sunday! I challenged myself to try one new thing each day for seven days and discovered a few great products just by doing that - this will eventually be posted on my blog when I catch up!

  7. Great resolution lovely, you will do well!

    Don't really have any beauty resolutions except for sunscreen, trying new things and finishing as many products as I can before I buy new ones x

  8. Hi Amy mine's always about being disciplined with the SPF and also going for products that are as natural as possible! So, similar! I do recommend you check out Okoii if you haven't already!

    - Sarah
