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Wednesday 24 April 2013

60 Minutes Of Pure Pampering at Kosmea Adelaide Day Spa

At the start of the year, Kosmea opened up a day spa. It's the only one in the world, and luckily for me they opened it up in little ol' Adelaide. The reason for this is because Kosmea actually started in Adelaide. 

Kosmea has been ahead of the beauty pack for years because rosehip oil is the foundation for Kosmea. Rosehip oil was their very first product, and they continue to use RHO in all of their products. Rosehip oil is one of those wonder ingredients that is not only moisturising and nourishing for dry skin, but balances out combination and oily skin. It contains essential fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants that are powerful when applied to the skin. 

One thing that Kosmea does is use ALL of the rosehip (the fruit, skin and seed). Their brand is about being eco friendly, and that means that their ingredients are used completely, not just extracting a particular property and ditching the rest. 

Back when Kosmea started, it was created to change peoples views of natural skincare. Back in the early to mid nineties, when you thought of natural skincare you didn't think of ground breaking or revolutionary. You were more likely to think of hippies and smelling like a leaf or herb. How things have changed so much!! 

I was lucky enough to be invited to a complimentary 1 hour facial. And after reading about my experience, I'm sure you'll all be wanting a visit to the day spa!!!

The spa is simple inside and is relaxing. Even though it's on a busy road, you don't notice the cars.

Before your appointment you fill out a questionnaire. It lets them know about your skin and if you have any skin allergies. It also has an extra part that you can fill in if you want to ask the staff about any skincare or brand questions.

The lovely Amy took me into the treatment room. I absolutely loved the large artwork in the room. It was beautiful but also added to the calmness of the room. There was also calming music on to help you relax and enjoy the experience. 

Amy excused herself so I could get into the robe and onto the table. They have blankets on the bed so you don't get cold or feel embarrassed at being half naked in front of a stranger. 

To make sure she was using the correct products for my skin, she checked my skin under a UV light. It showed that I had sun damage and the skin around my eyes was dry.

Firstly Amy washed my my skin with the Purifying Cream Cleanser. To me the words "purifying" can be scary. I've used cleansers before that have had the word purifying and it left my skin red, sore and angry. Luckily this cleanser was heavenly. It's a cream based cleanser, which makes it gentle. It contains RHO, avocado oil to moisturise and witch hazel to purify the skin and tone it. It's great for sensitive skin. I was quite surprised when Amy told me that a lot of people don't know about double cleansing. If you're not double cleansing, especially if you wear make up, then you're really not cleansing!! 

She then exfoliated my skin using the Daily Facial Exfoliant. This is gentle enough to use daily, but is still powerful enough to get rid of dead skin cells. It contains crushed chamomile flower to help soothe your skin and the grittiness comes from ground rosehip. A steam machine was used to open up my pores. It felt warm, but not hot or uncomfortable. Amy then used a Clarisonic like brush to help assist the exfoliant. I could feel it adding to the exfoliating feeling, but it wasn't rough or hard on my skin. She went over my skin a couple of times to make sure that my skin was thoroughly exfoliated. She really focused on my nose and the curves of my nose. I have to admit, I really don't pay much attention to my nose when exfoliating, so it was a great reminder. She then washed it off. 

After cleansing and exfoliating, a mask was applied. This is a special one that's only available in the day spa. Amy applied first a mask onto my blemishes, then applied a moisturising mask all over my skin. While it was sinking into my skin and making it feel and look great, Amy gave me a neck and shoulder massage, It was pure bliss!! After about 20 minutes, the mask was washed off. 

Next she sprayed the Hydrating Rosewater Mist. I'm a huge fan of mist toners. They're so refreshing and lovely to apply. Amy and I both talked about how we love to keep our mists in the fridge... except it can be very cold in winter!! 

What happened next actually changed the way I thought about applying my skincare. Amy applied their much loved Rosehip Oil onto my skin by patting and tapping it into my skin. When I asked why, she told me our skin is like a sponge and by patting it into the skin it helps to penetrate your skin more effectively. Which makes so much sense. By rubbing it in, it moves around on the skin but doesn't always sink into the skin. Also if you rub too hard, especially around close to the eye area, it can do more harm than good. 

After applying the serum, she then applied their new eye cream Apple Of My Eye, which is being launched on Mothers Day. It felt really nice and moisturising without being heavy. 

Finally she applied a wonder product called Moisturising Lotion SPF 30+, which is a moisturiser, sunscreen and has a light tint!! It's perfect for anyone time poor.

And then it was time to get get dressed, and go back to all of the boring things like washing and dishes!! :(

Amy talked me through what she was doing step by step. She talked about what she was using (eg cleanser), why she was doing it and what benefits the product had. She also talked through about the best ways to apply the product and how often to use it. 

I loved how she explained why she was using a particular product and how this product and its ingredients benefit my skin. Sometimes it can become confusing when you're buying a new product but aren't sure which to buy out of two that sound similar. 

You can also purchase from the day spa. They have their products out on display so you can take a closer look at the packaging and ingredient list. 

If you don't live in Adelaide, but are interested in their products, their website has them all here. If you make a purchase of $39.95 or more in April and use the code "REPLENISH" then you get a free Replenishing Moisture Cream that's worth $44.95. 

I ended up purchasing the moisturiser, as I really need to start taking more care of my skin when it comes to suncare. It costs $44.95, but since I will only apply it once a day in the morning, it will last quite a while. Also because it's a moisturiser and sunscreen, I'll save money from needing to buy 2 separate products. 

They currently have an introductory price of a 1 hour facial for only $49 or an hour massage and hour facial for $89. See here!

I'll leave you with this great quote that I saw on the Kosmea website...

"Our skin is a living organ and we should nourish it with ingredients that we recognise and would be prepared to eat!"

To see their website with all of their different facial options (and prices) at the day spa click here

When was the last time that you had a spa experience? What did you get?

I was kindly provided the treatment for consideration. All thoughts and views are completely my own, and are always 100% honest. See my disclosure policy here.

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  1. I never heard about them. But it seems great.

  2. Sounds amazing! I haven't yet tried Kosmea.. maybe I =should! x

  3. What a great experience, Amy!

    I have used Kosmea before but it'd be interesting to try it out via a facial in their spa. Hopefully they open one up in Melbourne soon. :)

    The moisturiser/sunscreen combo sounds like a great product, might look into that!


  4. MuShii, their products are really nice. Great for anyone that likes to use more natural skincare, and know what's in the products their using.

    Chelsea, try them!!!! Maybe start off with their RHO. It's great, especially since we're going into winter.

    MM- Hopefully they do open up stores interstate. But I have to admit, it's nice to have the only one in Australia!!! Normally SA misses out.
